In 2024 I graduated from Centenary State High School, achieving an ATAR of 97.20.
Having been offered their Chancellor’s Excellence Scholarship, I have gained entry into a Bachelor of Information Technology at the University of Southern Queensland. At present I have deferred this offer while I explore other options and pursue real-world experience.
My web development journey started in mid primary school, when I took an HTML and CSS course. From there I started learning Google Apps Script (and hence JavaScript), before taking a Node.js course. By early high school, I was working on my first real-world data driven web application, working with my Dad to design an application to handle vehicle recalls for my grandfather’s vehicle engineering company. I was responsible for all user interface, routing and basic server function, while my Dad handled testing and database interaction. Eventually I expanded the application to integrate with Gmail to send automated emails.
Having completed this by the end of Year 9, my school offered me the opportunity to undertake senior Digital Solutions with the cohort above mine. This saw me designing multiple applications of my own, initially with PHP, as that was what was taught in the classroom, before going on to write my final one in Node.js. I extended these applications beyond the requirements of the tasks, including writing my own APIs, request que, and even integrating one with the Spotify API. I topped my class both years, finishing the Year 12 course on 95%, and winning the ADF Future Innovators award in Year 10.
From classrooms to audiences of 2000+, high school saw me develop and mature my public speaking skills. Going beyond the standard assignment and leadership speeches, I competed in multiple public speaking competitions. My 2024 Public Speaking highlights include:
- Winning the Lions Youth of the Year Regional Public Speaking Award
- Attending the Awards Ceremony for 2023 ESU Competitions at Government House
- Progressing to the third round of QDU Debating Finals with my Year 12 Team
- Coaching my school’s Year 7 QDU Debating Team (who won all four of their debates)
- Winning the English Speaking Union’s (ESU) Senior Public Speaking State Final
- Representing Queensland at the Plain English Speaking Award National Final

Film is another major interest of mine, and is something I pursued through high school. After my grandfather lit the spark in me, I grew up making short, family films. Two of my more recent films were recognised as semi-finalists in the Australian Independent Film Festival. I also received a Subject Achievement Commendation from the QCAA after receiving perfect marks in both years of senior Film, Television and New Media. If you’re interested, check out EJG Films on YouTube or Instagram.
Outside of school, I started my own business, Hire a Grandkid Tech Support, as a part time job. Through my business I provided technical support to primarily older members of my community, helping them keep up with their families and friends and equipping them with the confidence and skills they needed to step outside their comfort zones with technology.
Through my schooling I held numerous leadership positions, including Junior School Captain and School Vice-Captain. These positions enabled me to be highly involved in creating and continuing school events, such as the World’s Greatest Shave, which led me to being awarded the ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership Award in both Year 10 and Year 12, as well as the school’s Forum Leader’s Award in Year 12.